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Quran is the Holy Book of the Muslims and it hold special place in our hearts. When a muslim found any torn page of Quran somewhere he feels sad for that. So we have started a campaign to place containers on different places to collect the torn pages and Shaheed Quran Pak and then restoring them. So that we can reduce outrage of Quran Pak.


In the Year 2001 with the blessings of Almighty Allah I took initiative to volunteer myself for community welfare, I got inspired from my brother who was a great social worker in Peshawar University, My brother guided me and I shared my idea with my friends. In the year 2002 with my friends we named this group “Social Welfare and Blood Organization of Young Students Of Abbottabad” Later in 2005 when we saw the destructions of 8th October Earthquake I Decided to start a relief program for these people, As we have to work on the larger scale, we started our Earth Quake Relief work, As our work was on larger scale so I decided to change the name of this organization and named it “LIFE SAVER ORGANIZATION”. In the Earth Quake Relief program we start Free Food Delivery service to effected people, emergency medical response, Life Savers Shelter School, Life Savers Tent Village. In the end of 2006 when the Earth Quake Effected people were going back to their native homes most of our projects were closed, Now our next target was to support these effected people to start their own income generated project. With the Passage of time most of our friends got busy in their carriers, As we were left with a small bunch of friends, I decided that we will continue our Social Welfare Activities.
In the start of 2007 I registered a company name “AHMED MOTORS” and started my business activity, I decided that a major income share of this business will be funded to “Life Savers Organization”. Life Savers Organization got registered from Government Departments in 2008, In the same year “AHMED MOTORS" became a main Donor of “LIFE SAVERS ORGANIZATION”. Flood Relief program Peshawar 2008, Environmental Walks, Seminars, Workshops and Internally Displaced People of FATA, Education Program, Advocacy and Water Resources Of Pakistan, currently we are focusing on Income generated Projects for community In the Year 2018 I initiated a new project with the name of “Al Moien Quran Restoration”
With the expansion of our work I decided to change my Company name from “AHMED MOTORS” to “AHMED ENTERPRISES” and then later in 20018 finally named it “AL MOIEN & CO.” With the growth of our business we never stopped Social Welfare of the community.